Personal Essay Writing Coach
I write to find out. It’s the best way I know to learn more about myself and this ever-mystifying world we live in. It’s a compulsion and a passion. Throughout my high school years, I wrote personal essays for Bucks County Courier Times’ reality section, a weekly page that gave teens the freedom to write about whatever moved them. There was nothing more exciting than finding the newspaper on my doorstep in the morning and seeing my name in print. I also loved getting handwritten messages from readers in the mail (which I now receive in the form of emails and tweets). I saved every clip.
I was also features editor for my high school newspaper and went on to study English, Spanish, and philosophy in college, where every paper I wrote somehow resembled an essay — an earnest attempt to know. After college, I became head writer for a communications firm for mission-based organizations, where again, I ended up writing the essay, in some form or another, usually by profiling the individuals these organizations supported. During interviews, I listened for the moments of true humanity, for the sparks of heart. Writing their stories and uplifting their voices inspired me. Now I freelance for publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and many more. Just as much as I love writing essays about hope, mortality, family, and relationships, I feel energized by helping others find and hone their writing voices and excavate ideas for illuminating pieces that connect with readers. If you’re interested in learning more about my rates and availability, send me a message and I’ll get back to you soon.